The Ultimate Guide to Ganglion Excision Costs in Turkey: What You Need to Know Before Your Procedure.

Ganglion excision, a common surgical procedure to remove benign cysts from the joints or tendons, is increasingly sought after by patients around the world.

Turkey has become a popular destination for this procedure due to its advanced medical facilities and competitive pricing.

Understanding Ganglion Excision

Ganglion excision involves the surgical removal of a ganglion cyst, a fluid-filled sac that typically appears near joints or tendons.

While these cysts are non-cancerous and may resolve on their own, surgical intervention is often recommended if they cause pain, discomfort, or functional limitations.

  • The Procedure: Ganglion excision is generally performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The surgery is minimally invasive, typically involving a small incision to remove the cyst and its surrounding capsule. The recovery period is usually short, with most patients returning to normal activities within a few weeks.

Factors Influencing Costs

Several factors can impact the overall cost of ganglion excision in Turkey:

  • Hospital/Clinic Type: Private hospitals and high-end clinics may charge more due to their advanced technology and amenities. Public hospitals may offer lower rates but with potentially less personalized care.
  • Surgeon’s Experience: Surgeons with extensive experience and specialization in ganglion excision may command higher fees. However, their expertise often translates into better outcomes and fewer complications.
  • Location: Costs can vary significantly between cities and even neighborhoods. Major metropolitan areas like Istanbul generally have higher prices compared to smaller cities.
  • Anesthesia and Additional Services: The type of anesthesia used (local or general) and any additional services (such as post-operative care or follow-up visits) can affect the total cost.
  • Insurance Coverage: Some insurance plans may cover part of the cost, but this varies by policy and provider. Patients should verify coverage details with their insurance company before scheduling the procedure.

Prices of all types of the Ganglion Excision procedure in Turkey.

Open Excision of Dorsal Wrist Ganglion

Definition and Details:

The open excision of a dorsal wrist ganglion is one of the most common procedures performed to remove a ganglion cyst located on the back side of the wrist. Ganglion cysts are fluid-filled sacs that arise from the synovial lining of a joint or tendon sheath.

In the case of dorsal wrist ganglions, they typically emerge from the scapholunate joint, which is a critical joint in the wrist that stabilizes wrist movement.

These cysts can vary in size, sometimes growing large enough to cause noticeable lumps on the skin. While many dorsal wrist ganglions are asymptomatic, they can become painful if they press on adjacent nerves or interfere with joint movement.

Procedure Steps:

Pre-operative Consultation and Imaging:
  • Initial consultation with the surgeon to discuss the symptoms, medical history, and goals for the surgery.
  • Imaging studies such as X-rays or MRI scans may be ordered to assess the size and location of the cyst and to plan the surgery.
Preparation and Anesthesia:
  • On the day of surgery, the patient will be prepped for the procedure. The surgical site is cleaned and sterilized.
  • Local or general anesthesia is administered to ensure that the patient does not feel pain during the procedure.
Incision and Exposure:
  • A small incision is made directly over the ganglion cyst on the dorsal side of the wrist. The incision size can vary depending on the size of the cyst.
  • The surgeon carefully dissects through the layers of skin, fat, and muscle to expose the cyst and its stalk.
Ganglion Excision:
  • The ganglion cyst is carefully separated from the surrounding tissues, including nerves, blood vessels, and tendons. The stalk of the cyst, which connects it to the joint or tendon sheath, is also removed to reduce the risk of recurrence.
  • Any damaged tissue surrounding the ganglion may also be excised.
Closure and Dressing:
  • The incision is closed with sutures, and the surgical site is dressed with sterile bandages.
  • A splint or wrist immobilizer may be applied to keep the wrist stable during the initial healing phase.
Post-operative Care:
  • The patient is monitored for a short period to ensure they are recovering well from the anesthesia.
  • Detailed instructions for at-home care, including wound care, activity restrictions, and pain management, are provided.
Follow-up Appointments:
  • The patient will need to return for follow-up visits to monitor the healing process and to remove sutures if necessary.
  • Additional physical therapy may be recommended to restore full function to the wrist.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation: $50 – $150
  • X-ray: $100 – $150
  • MRI: $300 – $500
  • Surgical Preparation: $100 – $200
  • Local Anesthesia: $150 – $300
  • General Anesthesia: $500 – $1,000
  • Surgical Incision and Tissue Dissection: $800 – $1,200
  • Cyst Removal and Excision of Stalk: $1,000 – $1,500
  • Suturing: $150 – $300
  • Sterile Dressing: $50 – $100
  • Splint/Wrist Immobilizer: $100 – $200
  • Immediate Post-operative Monitoring: $100 – $200
  • At-home Care Instructions and Pain Management: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Consultation: $50 – $150
  • Physical Therapy (if required): $50 – $100 per session

Arthroscopic Excision of Volar Wrist Ganglion

Definition and Details:

The arthroscopic excision of a volar wrist ganglion is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to remove a ganglion cyst located on the volar (palm) side of the wrist.

Volar wrist ganglions are typically connected to the radiocarpal joint and are less common than dorsal wrist ganglions.

These cysts can be more challenging to treat due to their proximity to vital structures like the radial artery and median nerve, which control blood flow and sensory functions in the hand.

Arthroscopic surgery involves the use of a small camera (arthroscope) and specialized instruments that are inserted through tiny incisions around the wrist.

The arthroscope provides a magnified view of the joint and surrounding structures, allowing the surgeon to precisely locate and remove the ganglion cyst without disturbing the nearby critical anatomy.

Procedure Steps:

Pre-operative Evaluation and Imaging:
  • Comprehensive evaluation by a hand specialist, including a physical examination and review of medical history.
  • Imaging studies, such as ultrasound or MRI, to precisely locate the cyst and plan the surgery.
Surgical Preparation and Anesthesia:
  • The patient is prepared for surgery, with the wrist cleaned and sterilized.
  • General anesthesia or a regional nerve block is administered to ensure comfort throughout the procedure.
Incision and Arthroscope Insertion:
  • Small incisions (usually 2-3) are made around the wrist for the insertion of the arthroscope and surgical instruments.
  • The arthroscope provides a detailed view of the joint, allowing the surgeon to navigate safely around critical structures.
Ganglion Cyst Removal:
  • The ganglion cyst is identified using the arthroscope, and specialized instruments are used to carefully excise the cyst and its stalk.
  • The surgeon ensures that the entire cyst, including its connection to the joint, is removed to minimize the risk of recurrence.
Closure and Dressing:
  • The small incisions are closed with sutures or surgical tape.
  • The wrist is bandaged, and a splint may be applied to protect the wrist during the initial healing phase.
Post-operative Care and Recovery:
  • The patient is monitored as they recover from anesthesia.
  • Instructions for at-home care, including pain management, wound care, and activity restrictions, are provided.
Follow-up and Rehabilitation:
  • Follow-up visits to assess healing and remove sutures.
  • Physical therapy may be recommended to restore strength and flexibility to the wrist.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Specialist Consultation: $100 – $200
  • Ultrasound: $150 – $300
  • MRI: $300 – $600
  • Surgical Prep: $100 – $200
  • General Anesthesia: $500 – $1,000
  • Regional Nerve Block: $400 – $800
  • Incision and Arthroscope Insertion: $800 – $1,200
  • Use of Arthroscopic Equipment: $1,000 – $1,500
  • Arthroscopic Cyst Removal: $1,500 – $2,500
  • Suturing/Surgical Tape: $100 – $200
  • Sterile Dressing and Splint: $100 – $200
  • Immediate Post-operative Monitoring: $150 – $300
  • At-home Care Instructions: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Consultation: $100 – $200
  • Physical Therapy Sessions: $50 – $150 per session

Open Excision of Volar Wrist Ganglion

Definition and Details:

The open excision of a volar wrist ganglion is a surgical procedure to remove a ganglion cyst that develops on the volar (palm) side of the wrist.

Volar ganglions, although less common than dorsal ganglions, pose unique challenges due to their location near critical structures, including the radial artery, median nerve, and flexor tendons.

These structures are responsible for the movement and sensation of the hand and fingers, making the surgical removal of volar ganglions more complex.

In an open excision, a larger incision is made on the volar side of the wrist to provide the surgeon with a direct view of the ganglion cyst and its surrounding structures.

The primary goal is to excise the cyst along with its stalk, which is connected to the joint or tendon sheath. By removing the entire

Procedure Steps:

Comprehensive Pre-operative Assessment:
  • In-depth consultation with a hand surgeon, including physical examination and detailed medical history.
  • Advanced imaging, such as an MRI or ultrasound, to map out the exact location of the cyst and its relationship to nearby structures.
Surgical Site Preparation and Anesthesia:
  • The wrist is meticulously cleaned and sterilized.
  • General anesthesia or a regional block is administered for patient comfort.
Incision and Exposure of Ganglion:
  • A strategically placed incision is made on the volar side of the wrist to minimize the risk to nearby nerves and arteries.
  • The surgeon carefully dissects through the layers of skin, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia to expose the ganglion.
Excision of Ganglion Cyst and Stalk:
  • The ganglion cyst is meticulously separated from surrounding tissues, paying special attention to preserving the integrity of nearby nerves and blood vessels.
  • The stalk connecting the cyst to the joint capsule or tendon sheath is excised to prevent recurrence.
Wound Closure and Dressing:
  • The surgical site is closed with sutures, and sterile dressings are applied.
  • A splint or brace may be used to immobilize the wrist and protect the area during healing.
Post-operative Monitoring and Care:
  • The patient is closely monitored in the recovery area for any immediate complications.
  • Detailed instructions for wound care, activity limitations, and follow-up appointments are provided.
Rehabilitation and Follow-up:
  • The patient returns for follow-up visits to ensure proper healing and to remove sutures if necessary.
  • A course of physical therapy may be recommended to regain strength and flexibility in the wrist.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Hand Surgeon Consultation: $150 – $300
  • Advanced Imaging (MRI/Ultrasound): $300 – $600
  • Surgical Prep: $150 – $250
  • General Anesthesia/Regional Block: $500 – $1,200
  • Surgical Incision and Exposure: $800 – $1,500
  • Excision of Cyst and Stalk: $1,200 – $2,000
  • Suturing: $150 – $300
  • Sterile Dressings: $50 – $150
  • Splint/Brace: $100 – $250
  • Post-operative Recovery: $150 – $300
  • At-home Care Instructions: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Visits: $100 – $200 per visit
  • Physical Therapy: $50 – $150 per session

Arthroscopic Excision of Dorsal Wrist Ganglion

Definition and Details:

The arthroscopic excision of a dorsal wrist ganglion is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to remove a ganglion cyst located on the dorsal (back) side of the wrist.

Arthroscopy is a cutting-edge technique that allows surgeons to perform complex procedures using a small camera and specialized instruments inserted through tiny incisions.

This method is particularly advantageous for dorsal wrist ganglions, as it provides a clear view of the cyst and surrounding structures while minimizing tissue damage.

Procedure Steps:

Initial Consultation and Diagnostic Imaging:
  • Thorough consultation with the surgeon to discuss the procedure, risks, and expected outcomes.
  • Diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays or MRI, to precisely locate the cyst and assess the joint’s condition.
Preparation and Administration of Anesthesia:
  • The surgical site is cleaned, and sterile drapes are applied.
  • The patient receives general anesthesia or a regional block to numb the arm and wrist.
Arthroscope Insertion and Joint Examination:
  • Small incisions (usually 2-3) are made to insert the arthroscope and surgical instruments.
  • The arthroscope is used to examine the inside of the wrist joint and locate the ganglion.
Excision of Ganglion Cyst:
  • The ganglion cyst is excised using specialized arthroscopic instruments.
  • The stalk of the cyst, which connects it to the joint, is removed to prevent recurrence.
Closure of Incisions and Application of Dressing:
  • The small incisions are closed with sutures or surgical tape.
  • A light dressing is applied to protect the surgical site.
Post-operative Care and Discharge:
  • The patient is monitored as they recover from anesthesia.
  • Detailed instructions for wound care, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments are provided.
Rehabilitation and Follow-up:
  • The patient returns for follow-up visits to assess healing and remove sutures.
  • Physical therapy may be recommended to restore full wrist function.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Surgeon Consultation: $150 – $300
  • X-ray/MRI: $300 – $600
  • Surgical Prep: $150 – $300
  • General Anesthesia/Regional Block: $500 – $1,200
  • Arthroscope Insertion: $1,000 – $1,500
  • Joint Examination: $800 – $1,200
  • Arthroscopic Cyst Excision: $1,500 – $2,500
  • Suturing/Surgical Tape: $100 – $200
  • Light Dressing: $50 – $100
  • Post-operative Monitoring: $150 – $300
  • At-home Care Instructions: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Visits: $100 – $200 per visit
  • Physical Therapy: $50 – $150 per session

Endoscopic Excision of Dorsal Wrist Ganglion

Definition and Details:

The endoscopic excision of a dorsal wrist ganglion is an advanced surgical technique used to remove ganglion cysts located on the back side of the wrist.

Endoscopic surgery is similar to arthroscopy in that it uses a small camera and specialized instruments to perform the procedure through tiny incisions.

However, endoscopy is typically more focused on soft tissue and tendon surgeries, making it particularly useful for ganglion cysts that arise from the tendon sheaths rather than the joint capsule.

Procedure Steps:

Consultation and Imaging Studies:
  • Detailed consultation with the hand surgeon to review the procedure, expected outcomes, and potential risks.
  • Imaging studies such as ultrasound or MRI to accurately locate the cyst and plan the surgery.
Surgical Preparation and Anesthesia:
  • The wrist is thoroughly cleaned and draped in a sterile fashion.
  • Regional anesthesia is administered to numb the arm, allowing the patient to stay awake during the procedure.
Endoscope Insertion and Navigation:
  • Small incisions are made on the dorsal side of the wrist to insert the endoscope and instruments.
  • The endoscope is used to carefully navigate through the soft tissues and locate the ganglion cyst.
Excision of Ganglion Cyst:
  • The cyst is identified and excised along with its stalk using endoscopic tools.
  • Care is taken to avoid damaging surrounding structures such as tendons and nerves.
Closure of Incisions and Dressing:
  • The incisions are closed with sutures or surgical tape.
  • A sterile dressing is applied to protect the surgical site.
Immediate Post-operative Care:
  • The patient is monitored during the immediate recovery period.
  • Instructions for home care, including pain management and activity limitations, are provided.
Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy:
  • Follow-up visits are scheduled to monitor healing and remove sutures.
  • Physical therapy may be prescribed to restore full range of motion and strength in the wrist.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Surgeon Consultation: $150 – $300
  • Ultrasound/MRI: $300 – $600
  • Surgical Prep: $150 – $300
  • Regional Anesthesia: $500 – $1,200
  • Endoscope Insertion: $1,000 – $1,500
  • Tissue Navigation: $800 – $1,200
  • Endoscopic Cyst Excision: $1,500 – $2,500
  • Suturing/Surgical Tape: $100 – $200
  • Sterile Dressing: $50 – $100
  • Post-operative Monitoring: $150 – $300
  • At-home Care Instructions: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Visits: $100 – $200 per visit
  • Physical Therapy: $50 – $150 per session

Aspiration with Cortisone Injection

Definition and Details:

Aspiration with cortisone injection is a non-surgical procedure commonly used to treat ganglion cysts on the wrist, especially when they are small or asymptomatic.

This procedure involves using a needle to aspirate, or draw out, the gelatinous fluid within the cyst, followed by the injection of a corticosteroid (cortisone) to reduce inflammation and potentially prevent the cyst from returning.

While aspiration is less invasive than surgery, it is associated with a higher recurrence rate, as the cyst’s outer capsule remains intact and may refill over time.

Procedure Steps:

Initial Consultation and Examination:
  • The patient undergoes a thorough consultation with the physician to assess the cyst and discuss treatment options.
  • The cyst is evaluated through physical examination and, if necessary, imaging studies.
Sterilization of the Treatment Area:
  • The wrist is cleaned and sterilized to prevent infection.
Needle Aspiration of Cyst:
  • A fine needle is carefully inserted into the ganglion cyst.
  • The cyst’s gelatinous fluid is drawn out through the needle.
Cortisone Injection:
  • After aspiration, a corticosteroid injection is administered into the cyst cavity to reduce inflammation.
Post-procedure Care:
  • A light dressing is applied to the area.
  • The patient is provided with instructions for aftercare and advised on activity restrictions.
Follow-up Evaluation:
  • A follow-up appointment is scheduled to monitor the cyst and assess the effectiveness of the treatment.
Repeat Treatment (if necessary):
  • If the cyst recurs, a repeat aspiration or alternative treatment may be considered.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Physician Consultation: $100 – $200
  • Imaging Studies (if needed): $150 – $400
  • Sterilization: $50 – $100
  • Aspiration Procedure: $200 – $400
  • Cortisone Injection: $150 – $300
  • Light Dressing: $20 – $50
  • Aftercare Instructions: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Visit: $100 – $200
  • Repeat Aspiration: $200 – $400

Aspiration without Cortisone Injection

Definition and Details:

Aspiration without cortisone injection is a minimally invasive procedure used to drain the fluid from a ganglion cyst on the wrist.

This method is similar to aspiration with cortisone but does not include the subsequent injection of a corticosteroid.

Aspiration alone is often chosen when there are concerns about cortisone side effects or if the cyst is particularly small and may resolve on its own after fluid removal.

Procedure Steps:

Consultation and Physical Examination:
  • The patient meets with the physician to discuss symptoms and treatment options.
  • The cyst is evaluated through physical examination, and imaging may be used if needed.
Cleaning and Sterilization of the Wrist:
  • The treatment area is thoroughly cleaned and sterilized.
Needle Aspiration of Cyst:
  • A fine needle is inserted into the cyst to aspirate the fluid inside.
Application of Dressing:
  • A light, sterile dressing is applied to the site after aspiration.
Post-procedure Monitoring:
  • The patient is monitored briefly to ensure there are no immediate complications.
Follow-up Visit:
  • A follow-up appointment is scheduled to check for recurrence and assess the outcome.
Additional Treatment (if needed):
  • If the cyst returns, the patient may require a repeat aspiration or surgical intervention.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Physician Consultation: $100 – $200
  • Imaging Studies (if needed): $150 – $400
  • Sterilization: $50 – $100
  • Aspiration Procedure: $200 – $400
  • Sterile Dressing: $20 – $50
  • Monitoring: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Visit: $100 – $200
  • Repeat Aspiration: $200 – $400

Cryotherapy for Wrist Ganglion Cysts

Definition and Details:

Cryotherapy for wrist ganglion cysts is a minimally invasive procedure that involves using extreme cold to destroy the cyst tissue.

This technique is less commonly used compared to surgical removal or aspiration but is an option for certain patients, particularly those looking for an alternative to surgery. Cryotherapy is performed using a cryoprobe that is inserted into the cyst.

The probe delivers a controlled amount of extreme cold to freeze and destroy the cystic tissue. Over time, the body absorbs the destroyed tissue, and the cyst may shrink or disappear completely.

The procedure is typically performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. The wrist is sterilized, and the cryoprobe is guided into the cyst under imaging guidance.

Once the cyst is frozen, the probe is removed, and a sterile dressing is applied. Patients may experience some swelling or discomfort in the days following the procedure, but this usually subsides quickly.

Procedure Steps:

Consultation and Imaging Evaluation:
  • A detailed consultation with the physician to discuss the procedure, risks, and expected outcomes.
  • Imaging studies, such as ultrasound, to locate the cyst and plan the cryotherapy treatment.
Sterilization and Anesthesia:
  • The wrist is thoroughly sterilized, and local anesthesia is administered to numb the area.
Cryoprobe Insertion:
  • The cryoprobe is carefully inserted into the ganglion cyst under imaging guidance.
Cryotherapy Application:
  • Controlled extreme cold is delivered to the cyst to freeze and destroy the tissue.
Probe Removal and Dressing:
  • The cryoprobe is removed, and the site is dressed with a sterile bandage.
Post-procedure Care:
  • The patient is monitored briefly and given instructions for at-home care.
  • Pain management and activity restrictions are discussed.
Follow-up Appointment:
  • A follow-up visit is scheduled to assess the effectiveness of the cryotherapy and monitor for recurrence.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Physician Consultation: $150 – $300
  • Ultrasound Imaging: $300 – $600
  • Sterilization: $50 – $100
  • Local Anesthesia: $200 – $400
  • Cryoprobe Insertion: $1,000 – $1,500
  • Cryotherapy Treatment: $1,500 – $2,500
  • Dressing: $50 – $100
  • Pain Management: $50 – $100
  • At-home Care Instructions: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Visit: $100 – $200

Laser Therapy for Wrist Ganglion Cysts

Definition and Details:

Laser therapy for wrist ganglion cysts is a minimally invasive treatment that uses laser energy to ablate or shrink the cyst.

This technique is an alternative to surgical excision and is considered when patients prefer a non-surgical option or when the cyst is located in a difficult area for surgery.

During the procedure, a laser fiber is inserted into the cyst through a small incision or needle. The laser energy is then applied to the cyst, causing the fluid to vaporize and the cyst to shrink.

Laser therapy is typically performed under local anesthesia and is an outpatient procedure. The treatment area is sterilized, and a small incision is made to introduce the laser fiber.

Procedure Steps:

Consultation and Imaging Studies:
  • The patient meets with the physician to discuss laser therapy and undergoes imaging studies to locate the cyst.
Sterilization and Anesthesia:
  • The wrist is cleaned and sterilized, and local anesthesia is administered.
Laser Fiber Insertion:
  • A small incision is made, and the laser fiber is inserted into the cyst.
Laser Ablation of Cyst:
  • Laser energy is applied to the cyst to vaporize the fluid and shrink the cyst.
Incision Closure and Dressing:
  • The incision is closed with sutures or surgical tape.
  • A sterile dressing is applied to the site.
Post-procedure Care:
  • The patient is monitored briefly and given instructions for at-home care.
  • Pain management and activity restrictions are discussed.
Follow-up Visit:
  • A follow-up appointment is scheduled to assess the outcome and monitor for recurrence.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Physician Consultation: $150 – $300
  • Ultrasound/MRI: $300 – $600
  • Sterilization: $50 – $100
  • Local Anesthesia: $200 – $400
  • Laser Fiber Insertion: $1,000 – $1,500
  • Laser Therapy: $1,500 – $2,500
  • Suturing/Surgical Tape: $100 – $200
  • Sterile Dressing: $50 – $100
  • Pain Management: $50 – $100
  • At-home Care Instructions: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Visit: $100 – $200

Cyst Rupture Technique

Definition and Details:

The cyst rupture technique, also known as manual rupture or cyst bursting, is a non-surgical method for treating wrist ganglion cysts.

This technique involves applying pressure directly to the cyst to rupture its capsule, causing the fluid inside to disperse into the surrounding tissues.

While this method is simple and can be performed in a clinical setting, it is generally considered a less effective option due to the high likelihood of recurrence.

Additionally, there is a risk of pain, inflammation, or even injury to surrounding structures if not performed correctly.

The cyst rupture technique is often used as a last resort or for patients who wish to avoid more invasive procedures. It is performed without anesthesia, and the patient may feel discomfort during the process.

Procedure Steps:

Consultation and Physical Examination:
  • The patient undergoes a consultation with the physician to discuss the procedure.
  • A physical examination is performed to assess the cyst’s size and location.
Sterilization of the Treatment Area:
  • The wrist is sterilized to minimize the risk of infection.
Manual Rupture of Cyst:
  • The physician applies pressure to the cyst to rupture its capsule and disperse the fluid.
Immobilization of Wrist:
  • A bandage or splint is applied to immobilize the wrist and promote healing.
Post-procedure Monitoring:
  • The patient is monitored briefly to ensure no immediate complications.
Aftercare Instructions:
  • The patient is given instructions for at-home care, including activity restrictions.
Follow-up Visit:
  • A follow-up appointment is scheduled to assess the outcome and monitor for recurrence.

Prices of Procedure Steps:

  • Physician Consultation: $100 – $200
  • Sterilization: $50 – $100
  • Cyst Rupture Procedure: $150 – $300
  • Bandage/Splint: $50 – $100
  • Monitoring: $50 – $100
  • At-home Care Instructions: $50 – $100
  • Follow-up Visit: $100 – $200

Price Analysis of Ganglion Excision Procedures in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir

Traditional Surgical Excision


  • Consultation: $150 – $250
  • Imaging Studies: $300 – $500
  • Anesthesia: $400 – $700
  • Surgical Excision: $1,500 – $2,500
  • Hospital Stay: $600 – $1,000
  • Post-operative Care: $200 – $400
  • Total Cost: $3,150 – $5,350


  • Consultation: $120 – $220
  • Imaging Studies: $250 – $450
  • Anesthesia: $350 – $650
  • Surgical Excision: $1,400 – $2,300
  • Hospital Stay: $500 – $900
  • Post-operative Care: $180 – $350
  • Total Cost: $2,800 – $4,870


  • Consultation: $130 – $240
  • Imaging Studies: $270 – $470
  • Anesthesia: $380 – $680
  • Surgical Excision: $1,450 – $2,400
  • Hospital Stay: $550 – $950
  • Post-operative Care: $190 – $370
  • Total Cost: $2,970 – $5,110

Arthroscopic Ganglion Excision


  • Consultation: $160 – $260
  • Imaging Studies: $320 – $520
  • Anesthesia: $420 – $720
  • Arthroscopic Procedure: $1,700 – $2,800
  • Hospital Stay: $650 – $1,050
  • Post-operative Care: $220 – $420
  • Total Cost: $3,470 – $5,770


  • Consultation: $130 – $230
  • Imaging Studies: $280 – $480
  • Anesthesia: $380 – $680
  • Arthroscopic Procedure: $1,600 – $2,700
  • Hospital Stay: $550 – $950
  • Post-operative Care: $200 – $380
  • Total Cost: $3,140 – $5,420


  • Consultation: $140 – $250
  • Imaging Studies: $300 – $500
  • Anesthesia: $400 – $700
  • Arthroscopic Procedure: $1,650 – $2,750
  • Hospital Stay: $600 – $1,000
  • Post-operative Care: $210 – $400
  • Total Cost: $3,300 – $5,600

Aspiration with Steroid Injection


  • Consultation: $140 – $220
  • Imaging Studies: $280 – $450
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $400
  • Aspiration: $500 – $800
  • Steroid Injection: $150 – $250
  • Post-procedure Care: $100 – $200
  • Total Cost: $1,420 – $2,320


  • Consultation: $120 – $200
  • Imaging Studies: $250 – $420
  • Anesthesia: $220 – $370
  • Aspiration: $450 – $750
  • Steroid Injection: $130 – $230
  • Post-procedure Care: $90 – $180
  • Total Cost: $1,260 – $2,150


  • Consultation: $130 – $210
  • Imaging Studies: $260 – $430
  • Anesthesia: $240 – $390
  • Aspiration: $470 – $770
  • Steroid Injection: $140 – $240
  • Post-procedure Care: $95 – $190
  • Total Cost: $1,335 – $2,230

Needling Technique


  • Consultation: $130 – $210
  • Imaging Studies: $260 – $430
  • Anesthesia: $240 – $390
  • Needling Procedure: $800 – $1,300
  • Post-procedure Care: $120 – $220
  • Total Cost: $1,550 – $2,550


  • Consultation: $110 – $190
  • Imaging Studies: $230 – $400
  • Anesthesia: $210 – $360
  • Needling Procedure: $750 – $1,200
  • Post-procedure Care: $100 – $200
  • Total Cost: $1,400 – $2,350


  • Consultation: $120 – $200
  • Imaging Studies: $240 – $410
  • Anesthesia: $220 – $370
  • Needling Procedure: $770 – $1,250
  • Post-procedure Care: $110 – $210
  • Total Cost: $1,460 – $2,440



  • Consultation: $140 – $230
  • Imaging Studies: $280 – $450
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $420
  • Sclerotherapy Injection: $900 – $1,500
  • Post-procedure Care: $130 – $230
  • Total Cost: $1,700 – $2,830


  • Consultation: $120 – $210
  • Imaging Studies: $250 – $420
  • Anesthesia: $230 – $400
  • Sclerotherapy Injection: $850 – $1,400
  • Post-procedure Care: $110 – $200
  • Total Cost: $1,560 – $2,630


  • Consultation: $130 – $220
  • Imaging Studies: $260 – $430
  • Anesthesia: $240 – $410
  • Sclerotherapy Injection: $870 – $1,450
  • Post-procedure Care: $120 – $210
  • Total Cost: $1,620 – $2,720

Ultrasound-Guided Aspiration


  • Consultation: $150 – $240
  • Imaging Studies: $300 – $480
  • Anesthesia: $270 – $450
  • Ultrasound-Guided Aspiration: $1,200 – $1,900
  • Post-procedure Care: $150 – $250
  • Total Cost: $2,070 – $3,320


  • Consultation: $130 – $220
  • Imaging Studies: $270 – $440
  • Anesthesia: $240 – $420
  • Ultrasound-Guided Aspiration: $1,100 – $1,800
  • Post-procedure Care: $130 – $220
  • Total Cost: $1,870 – $3,100


  • Consultation: $140 – $230
  • Imaging Studies: $280 – $460
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $430
  • Ultrasound-Guided Aspiration: $1,150 – $1,850
  • Post-procedure Care: $140 – $240
  • Total Cost: $1,960 – $3,210

Osteotomy with Ganglion Removal


  • Consultation: $160 – $270
  • Imaging Studies: $320 – $500
  • Anesthesia: $450 – $750
  • Osteotomy with Ganglion Removal: $2,000 – $3,200
  • Hospital Stay: $700 – $1,200
  • Post-operative Care: $200 – $400
  • Total Cost: $3,830 – $6,320


  • Consultation: $140 – $250
  • Imaging Studies: $280 – $460
  • Anesthesia: $400 – $700
  • Osteotomy with Ganglion Removal: $1,900 – $3,100
  • Hospital Stay: $600 – $1,100
  • Post-operative Care: $180 – $360
  • Total Cost: $3,500 – $5,970


  • Consultation: $150 – $260
  • Imaging Studies: $300 – $480
  • Anesthesia: $420 – $720
  • Osteotomy with Ganglion Removal: $1,950 – $3,150
  • Hospital Stay: $650 – $1,150
  • Post-operative Care: $190 – $380
  • Total Cost: $3,660 – $6,140

Cryotherapy for Wrist Ganglion Cysts


  • Consultation: $150 – $240
  • Imaging Studies: $300 – $480
  • Anesthesia: $270 – $450
  • Cryotherapy Procedure: $1,500 – $2,500
  • Post-procedure Care: $150 – $250
  • Total Cost: $2,370 – $3,920


  • Consultation: $130 – $220
  • Imaging Studies: $270 – $450
  • Anesthesia: $240 – $420
  • Cryotherapy Procedure: $1,400 – $2,400
  • Post-procedure Care: $130 – $220
  • Total Cost: $2,170 – $3,710


  • Consultation: $140 – $230
  • Imaging Studies: $280 – $460
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $430
  • Cryotherapy Procedure: $1,450 – $2,450
  • Post-procedure Care: $140 – $240
  • Total Cost: $2,260 – $3,810

Endoscopic Ganglion Excision


  • Consultation: $170 – $280
  • Imaging Studies: $340 – $540
  • Anesthesia: $480 – $780
  • Endoscopic Excision: $2,200 – $3,500
  • Hospital Stay: $750 – $1,300
  • Post-operative Care: $220 – $420
  • Total Cost: $4,160 – $6,820


  • Consultation: $150 – $260
  • Imaging Studies: $300 – $500
  • Anesthesia: $430 – $730
  • Endoscopic Excision: $2,000 – $3,300
  • Hospital Stay: $650 – $1,200
  • Post-operative Care: $200 – $400
  • Total Cost: $3,730 – $6,390


  • Consultation: $160 – $270
  • Imaging Studies: $320 – $520
  • Anesthesia: $450 – $750
  • Endoscopic Excision: $2,100 – $3,400
  • Hospital Stay: $700 – $1,250
  • Post-operative Care: $210 – $410
  • Total Cost: $3,940 – $6,600

Radiosurgery for Ganglion Cysts


  • Consultation: $160 – $260
  • Imaging Studies: $320 – $520
  • Radiation Planning: $500 – $1,000
  • Radiosurgery Treatment: $3,000 – $5,000
  • Post-procedure Care: $100 – $200
  • Follow-up Care: $150 – $300
  • Total Cost: $4,230 – $7,280


  • Consultation: $140 – $240
  • Imaging Studies: $290 – $490
  • Radiation Planning: $450 – $900
  • Radiosurgery Treatment: $2,800 – $4,700
  • Post-procedure Care: $90 – $180
  • Follow-up Care: $130 – $280
  • Total Cost: $3,900 – $6,790


  • Consultation: $150 – $250
  • Imaging Studies: $300 – $500
  • Radiation Planning: $480 – $950
  • Radiosurgery Treatment: $2,900 – $4,800
  • Post-procedure Care: $95 – $190
  • Follow-up Care: $140 – $290
  • Total Cost: $4,065 – $7,180

Additional Costs to Consider

While the base price of ganglion excision covers the primary surgical costs, patients should be aware of potential additional expenses:

  • Pre-Operative Tests: Costs for diagnostic tests and imaging (e.g., MRI or ultrasound) prior to surgery. These tests are typically necessary to assess the cyst and plan the surgery. Expect to pay between $100 and $300 for these tests.
  • Post-Operative Medications: Prescription medications for pain management or infection prevention. These may cost an additional $50 to $100.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Post-surgery consultations to monitor recovery and ensure proper healing. Follow-up visits may cost between $50 and $150 each.
  • Travel and Accommodation: If traveling from abroad, patients should consider expenses for travel, accommodation, and other logistical arrangements. Costs will vary depending on individual preferences and travel arrangements.

Choosing the Right Facility and Surgeon

Research and Compare: When selecting a facility and surgeon, thorough research is crucial. Compare prices, read reviews, and check credentials. Ensure that the surgeon is board-certified and has extensive experience with ganglion excision.

Facility Accreditation: Choose facilities accredited by recognized health organizations. Accreditation ensures that the facility adheres to high standards of medical care and patient safety.

Consultations: Schedule consultations with multiple surgeons to discuss your case, get estimates, and understand the procedures involved. This will help you make an informed decision based on cost, experience, and personal comfort.

What are the necessary preparations before the Ganglion Excision procedure?

Personal Preparations

Understand the Procedure:

  • Detail: Research the ganglion excision procedure thoroughly. Understanding what to expect before, during, and after the surgery can alleviate anxiety and help you prepare mentally. Read about the different types of procedures, recovery times, and potential complications.
  • How: Consult reliable medical websites, read patient testimonials, and discuss the procedure with your healthcare provider.

Arrange Time Off Work:

  • Detail: Depending on the type of procedure and your job’s physical demands, plan to take time off work to allow for a full recovery. Discuss your leave with your employer and make arrangements to cover your responsibilities during your absence.
  • How: Notify your employer in advance, ensuring you have the necessary documentation from your doctor to justify your medical leave.

Prepare Your Home for Recovery:

  • Detail: Set up a comfortable space at home where you can rest and recover post-procedure. Ensure you have easy access to necessities like medications, a comfortable chair or bed, and any assistive devices if needed.
  • How: Arrange your living space to minimize movement, stock up on essential supplies, and consider assistance from family or friends if necessary.

Arrange Transportation:

  • Detail: Since you will likely be under anesthesia or sedation, you’ll need someone to drive you to and from the medical facility. Arrange for a reliable friend or family member to provide this transportation.
  • How: Confirm transportation arrangements in advance and ensure your ride is reliable and available at the required times.

Fasting and Dietary Restrictions:

  • Detail: Follow any fasting or dietary restrictions provided by your doctor. This typically involves not eating or drinking anything for a specified period before the procedure to ensure safety during anesthesia.
  • How: Adhere strictly to the pre-procedure dietary guidelines provided by your healthcare provider, and avoid eating or drinking outside the allowed times.

Medication Management:

  • Detail: Review all medications and supplements you are currently taking with your doctor. Some medications may need to be adjusted or temporarily discontinued before the procedure.
  • How: Prepare a list of all medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, and discuss it with your healthcare provider to follow their recommendations.

Pre-Procedure Health Evaluation:

  • Detail: Ensure that you undergo any required pre-procedure health evaluations, such as blood tests, imaging studies, or other diagnostic tests, as recommended by your doctor.
  • How: Schedule and complete these evaluations well in advance of your procedure date and provide the results to your healthcare provider.

Pre-Surgical Hygiene:

  • Detail: Follow specific hygiene instructions provided by your doctor, such as showering with an antimicrobial soap to reduce the risk of infection.
  • How: Adhere to the pre-surgical hygiene protocol as instructed, which may include specific washing techniques or the use of certain products.

Financial Preparation:

  • Detail: Ensure that you are financially prepared for the procedure by reviewing and understanding the costs involved, including any potential out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance.
  • How: Contact your insurance provider to verify coverage, review costs with your medical facility, and arrange for any necessary payments or financial assistance.

Emergency Contacts:

  • Detail: Have a list of emergency contacts and medical information readily available. This includes your primary care physician’s contact details, any allergies, and other pertinent health information.
  • How: Compile this information in an easily accessible format and share it with your caregiver or anyone assisting you during your recovery.

Preparations with the Doctor

Initial Consultation:

  • Detail: Schedule an initial consultation with your surgeon to discuss the details of the ganglion excision procedure. This includes understanding the procedure, discussing potential risks, and reviewing your medical history.
  • How: Prepare questions and concerns to address during the consultation, and ensure you fully understand the answers and instructions provided.

Review Medical History:

  • Detail: Provide a comprehensive overview of your medical history, including any past surgeries, chronic conditions, or relevant health issues. This helps the doctor tailor the procedure to your needs.
  • How: Complete any required medical history forms and provide your doctor with detailed information about your health.

Pre-Procedure Instructions:

  • Detail: Follow all pre-procedure instructions provided by your doctor, which may include specific fasting instructions, medication adjustments, or restrictions on activities.
  • How: Adhere strictly to these instructions to ensure your safety and the success of the procedure.

Consent Forms:

  • Detail: Review and sign all necessary consent forms that outline the risks, benefits, and alternatives to the procedure. This is a legal requirement and ensures you are informed about what will happen.
  • How: Carefully read each form, ask questions if needed, and sign to acknowledge your understanding and consent.

Anesthesia Consultation:

  • Detail: If applicable, meet with an anesthesiologist to discuss the type of anesthesia that will be used, any potential side effects, and how it will be administered.
  • How: Attend the anesthesia consultation as scheduled, provide your medical history, and follow any specific pre-anesthesia instructions.

Pre-Procedure Imaging and Tests:

  • Detail: Undergo any required imaging studies or diagnostic tests as instructed by your doctor. These tests help in planning the procedure and ensuring the best outcomes.
  • How: Schedule and complete these tests in advance, and ensure results are communicated to your healthcare provider before the procedure.

Procedure Day Instructions:

  • Detail: Follow detailed instructions provided by your doctor for the day of the procedure, including arrival time, preparation guidelines, and any last-minute instructions.
  • How: Review these instructions carefully and prepare accordingly to ensure a smooth procedure day.

Discuss Post-Procedure Care:

  • Detail: Review post-procedure care instructions with your doctor, including pain management, wound care, and signs of potential complications. Understanding these details helps in a smoother recovery.
  • How: Ensure you have a clear understanding of all post-care instructions, and ask for clarification on any aspects that are unclear.

Set Up Follow-Up Appointments:

  • Detail: Schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery and address any concerns that may arise after the procedure.
  • How: Work with your healthcare provider’s office to arrange these appointments in advance and ensure you attend them as scheduled.

Emergency Protocols:

  • Detail: Discuss and understand the emergency protocols in case you experience any complications or issues post-procedure. This includes knowing who to contact and what steps to take.
  • How: Review these protocols with your doctor and ensure you have contact information and instructions readily available.

What happens during the Ganglion Excision procedure?

Preoperative Preparation and Positioning

Description: The procedure begins with the patient being prepared and positioned appropriately on the operating table.

This ensures that the surgeon has optimal access to the area where the ganglion is located.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Confirm Patient Identification: Verifies the patient’s identity and the specific procedure to be performed.
  • Position the Patient: Assists the patient into the correct position, typically with the affected limb positioned comfortably for easy access.
  • Sterilize the Area: Cleans the area around the ganglion with an antiseptic solution to minimize the risk of infection.

Anesthesia Administration

Description: Anesthesia is administered to ensure that the patient is comfortable and pain-free during the procedure.

This may be local anesthesia, regional anesthesia, or general anesthesia, depending on the procedure’s complexity and the patient’s needs.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Select the Anesthetic: Chooses the appropriate type of anesthesia based on the procedure’s requirements and the patient’s health status.
  • Administer the Anesthetic: Injects or administers anesthesia to numb the area or induce sedation.
  • Monitor the Patient: Continuously monitors the patient’s vital signs and anesthesia effects to ensure safety and comfort.

Surgical Incision

Description: The surgeon makes an incision to access the ganglion. The size and location of the incision depend on the type of ganglion excision being performed.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Mark the Incision Site: Identifies and marks the precise location of the incision.
  • Make the Incision: Uses a scalpel to create an incision through the skin and underlying tissues.
  • Control Bleeding: Applies pressure or uses cauterization techniques to manage any bleeding at the incision site.

Dissection and Exposure

Description: The surgeon carefully dissects the surrounding tissues to expose the ganglion cyst. This step involves separating the ganglion from the surrounding structures.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Separate Tissue Layers: Gently separates and retracts tissues to expose the ganglion.
  • Use Surgical Tools: Employs tools like retractors and forceps to maintain visibility and access to the ganglion.
  • Protect Surrounding Structures: Takes care to avoid damaging nearby nerves, blood vessels, or tendons.

Ganglion Removal

Description: The ganglion cyst is removed from its location. This is the core part of the procedure where the ganglion is excised or aspirated.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Locate the Ganglion: Identifies the ganglion cyst and determines its attachment to surrounding tissues.
  • Remove the Ganglion: Either excises the ganglion completely or performs aspiration if that method is used.
  • Check for Completeness: Ensures that the entire cyst has been removed to reduce the risk of recurrence.


Description: After removing the ganglion, the surgeon ensures that any bleeding is controlled and that the surgical site is stabilized.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Apply Hemostatic Agents: Uses agents or techniques to control bleeding, such as cauterization or suture ligation.
  • Inspect the Site: Checks for any remaining bleeding or complications.
  • Clean the Area: Clears the surgical area of any blood or debris.

Closure of the Incision

Description: The incision is then closed using sutures or staples. The method of closure depends on the incision’s size and location.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Suturing or Stapling: Places sutures or staples to close the incision, ensuring that the edges are properly aligned.
  • Apply Sterile Dressing: Covers the wound with a sterile dressing to protect it and absorb any discharge.
  • Inspect the Closure: Ensures that the closure is secure and that there are no complications.

Postoperative Dressing and Bandaging

Description: After closing the incision, the area is dressed and bandaged to protect the wound and promote healing.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Apply Dressing: Places a sterile dressing over the wound to keep it clean and dry.
  • Bandage the Area: Uses a bandage to secure the dressing and provide support to the affected area.
  • Provide Care Instructions: Instructs the patient on how to care for the dressing and what to expect in the immediate postoperative period.

Postoperative Monitoring

Description: The patient is monitored for any immediate postoperative issues, including the effects of anesthesia and the initial response to the procedure.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Monitor Vital Signs: Checks the patient’s vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels.
  • Assess Recovery: Evaluates the patient’s response to the procedure and anesthesia.
  • Manage Pain: Provides pain relief or adjusts medication as needed.

Discharge Instructions

Description: Once the patient is stable and the procedure is complete, the surgeon provides detailed discharge instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

What the Doctor Does:

  • Provide Written Instructions: Gives the patient written instructions on postoperative care, including wound care, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments.
  • Discuss Symptoms to Watch For: Informs the patient of signs of complications, such as infection or excessive swelling.
  • Schedule Follow-Up Visits: Arranges follow-up appointments to monitor recovery and address any concerns.

Post-Operative Care and Recovery

  • Recovery Time: Most patients experience a relatively quick recovery, with a return to normal activities within 1-2 weeks. However, individual recovery times may vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and the patient’s overall health.
  • Follow-Up Care: Adhere to the surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care, including wound care and activity restrictions. Attend all follow-up appointments to monitor healing and address any concerns.
  • Potential Complications: Although ganglion excision is generally safe, potential complications include infection, scarring, or recurrence of the cyst. Discuss any concerns with your surgeon and follow their recommendations to minimize risks.


Ganglion excision in Turkey offers an opportunity for high-quality care at competitive prices.

By understanding the costs involved and considering factors such as location, surgeon experience, and additional expenses, patients can make informed decisions about their procedure.

Whether you choose Istanbul, Ankara, or Izmir, Turkey’s medical facilities provide excellent options for addressing ganglion cysts with advanced care and personalized attention.

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