Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination in Turkey

Artificial insemination is a technique of M.A.P (medically assisted procreation) which consists in depositing the spermatozoa of the spouse in the uterus of the woman after preparation in the laboratory.

The couple often turn to ACI when faced with the diagnosis of infertility? Indeed, this technique is often indicated when sperm have difficulty reaching the uterus (impotence, ejaculatory dysfunction, poor sperm quality, etc.).

It is also suggested in the context of ovulatory problems, anatomical and/or functional alteration of the cervix, coital factors, or in the case of sterility of unknown origin.

How much does the artificial insemination in Turkey cost?

Jouvence aesthetic’s main mission is to provide you with the best and safest treatments when it comes to either cosmetic or medical procedures.

We also value our patients relaxation and having a stress free experience when they choose us for their treatments which is why we have created a unique all-inclusive package that allows you to have the artificial insemination procedure in Turkey at the lowest and most affordable cost in the market.

You will be able to start your family without worrying about the cost of the operation thanks to our all-inclusive package that covers all necessary costs such as:

  • Your hotel room at a very luxurious establishment.
  • The operation costs.
  • The costs of the medical tools that will be used during and after the operation.
  • The doctor’s payment.
  • All operation related transportation.
  • The postoperative care and medication.

How to prepare for artificial insemination?

Artificial insemination in TurkeyThe preparations before the artificial insemination are vital for the success of the procedure and will be done with the help of your doctor.

The first step of these preoperative preparations is meeting with your doctor (along side your partner if you have one) to undergo some tests and examinations to see if you are healthy enough to have the procedure.

Some tests that the doctor will run are:

  • Bloodwork
  • Sperm analysis and count.
  • An ultrasound.

The doctor will also look into your medical history to see if you have any medical issues or hereditary diseases that can cause a problem during or after the procedure.

You will also have to inform your doctor about any and all medications that you are taking, some of them may pose a danger to your health or cause complications during or after the procedure so they will be canceled.

There is a chance that your doctor will give you some oral or injectable fertility medication before the operation so that the chance of pregnancy may be increased.

The artificial insemination is a quick and easy process, it takes a few minutes to insert the sperm and has no pain factors.

The procedure of artificial insemination

Preparatory treatment and ovarian stimulation

As part of the preparatory treatment, the woman receives, during the first half of the cycle, an ovulation inducing treatment.

The process will be monitored by performing an ultrasound and hormonal assays.

In the middle of the cycle, HCG injections will be performed to trigger ovulation.

The triggering of ovulation requires the cessation of other treatments.

Sperm selection and sample preparation

The man takes a sperm sample in the laboratory the morning of the artificial insemination.

The sample obtained is processed in the laboratory to separate the motile spermatozoa from the other components; they will then be washed with an appropriate culture medium.


Artificial insemination in Turkey is scheduled approximately 36 hours after ovulation is triggered, the patient is placed in a lithotomy position, and a small catheter containing the sperm sample is introduced into the cervix, to the middle of the uterus. The sperm are then deposited in the uterine cavity.

This procedure is not painful and resembles a gynecological examination, it does not require anesthesia or hospitalization.

Fertilization will take place naturally in the hours that follow.

What is the aftermath of artificial insemination?

  • The patient can resume normal activity as soon as the procedure is completed.
  • There are no special precautions need to be taken.
  • A pregnancy test will be performed around 18 days after the insemination.

Artificial insemination result

From the first attempt, the success rate of the IAC is between 10% and 15%. It is nevertheless 5% for women aged over 42.

In case of failure, it is possible to start another attempt. That said, it is necessary to perform cycles of rest.

Generally, 4 cycles of IAC are performed in total, to achieve pregnancy.

If pregnancy is not achieved, it may also be necessary to change the ART technique and, for example, to have recourse to IVF.

What is the difference between artificial insemination and IVF?

Artificial insemination imitates natural procreation, in the womb, by allowing sperm to be in the right place at the time of ovulation.

In vitro fertilization, on the other hand, makes it possible to fertilize an egg with a sperm, outside the uterus, in the laboratory. It is considered in the event of an abnormality of the tubes or in the event of moderate infertility on the side of the man, unexplained infertility or after the failure of several attempts at artificial insemination.

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