Arm lift in Turkey : stay to firm up your arms
Arm lift in Turkey involves treating sagging skin on the inner side to tone the arms, it is in addition to a liposuction to remove the fat that is there, to also resect the excess skin and to tighten it in the place to firm the arms.
Weight loss, pregnancies, senescence, are all factors that explain the distension of the skin on the inside of the arms. The skin in this area loses its tone, its elasticity, and becomes flabby, which can be annoying when you want to put on a garment or when you want to move your arm.
How much does an arm lift in Turkey cost?
Many people choose not to undergo cosmetic surgery even when they need it because of the high prices, but Jouvence is here today to get rid of that idea.
You can have the arm lift surgery in Turkey for a budget friendly price thanks to our all-inclusive package that covers:
- The hotel room during your visit to Turkey.
- The operation costs.
- The transportation.
- The doctor’s fees.
- The postoperative care and medication.
Arm surgery in brief
The arm lift in Turkey is a surgery that is done under general or local anesthesia and lasts about 2 hours. It is required for the distended skin of the arms.
But a facelift can be associated with liposuction to extract the fat infiltrated under the arm. The scar from a facelift can be axillary (under the armpit) or longitudinal (from the armpit to the elbow).
How to prepare for an arm lift surgery?
Before undergoing the arm lift surgery you will have to meet with your doctor for a preoperative appointment, during this meeting you will explain to your doctor the goals that you want from this operation so that they can prepare a treatment plan that is special for you.
The doctor will also look into your medical history to see if you have any medical issues or if you are taking any medication that needs to be canceled.
Some tests will be run such as a blood test and a calculation of the fat and extra skin on your arms, the necessary measurements will be taken.
The doctor will instruct you to stop smoking and drinking alcohol for a period of time before the day of the surgery.
Brachioplasty procedure
There is no single technique for performing arm surgery. Each surgeon adopts the technique that suits him, depending on each case to be treated. Nevertheless, we can remember that an incision during an arm lift is generally related to the amount of skin to be removed. The length of the scar depends on it.
We can nevertheless remember that there are 2 types of incisions (vertical, longitudinal; horizontal,). The longitudinal incision will leave a scar along the arm, while the horizontal one will leave one in the armpit. The first, the one that requires the longitudinal incision, is required for patients who experience real discomfort when putting on short sleeves. Or those who have trouble moving their arm because of that loose skin. The arm lift in this case, has an aesthetic and functional purpose. Unfortunately, even if it effectively tackles excess fat and skin, the vertical and longitudinal scar left by this incision cannot be concealed.
It is for this reason that some surgeons prefer, even if the result is less convincing than in the 1st case, a horizontal incision. After aspirating, if necessary, the fat on the inside of the arm, the surgeon will make a 10 cm incision in the armpit to resect the excess skin. He makes a suture in the hollow of the armpit to redrape the skin. The result with such a scar is less appreciated than with the longitudinal incision, but the scar is less visible.
The aftermath of an arm lift surgery.
The arm lift in Türkiye may require 24 hours of hospitalization. A bandage is made after the silhouette surgery. And an elastic bandage for 7 days. The sutures are removed after 2 weeks. The resumption of activities is set for at least one week. But any effort that requires the use of one’s arms is prohibited for 6 months. Of course, there can be complications with an arm lift: scars, hematomas, bleeding or infections… A good surgeon will undoubtedly be more useful to you to reduce the risks.
What are the risks of an arm lift surgery?
As it is the case with every medical and cometic surgery, the arm lift has some potential complications and risks that you need to take into consideration before undergoing it.
These risks are very rare and mild if they do happen, and the professional doctors at Jouvence will make sure that your procedure goes soothly and without any issues.
Some of the risks of the arm lift surgery are:
- Nerve damage.
- Bruising and swelling.
- Difficulty of movement.
The doctor will explain these risks more when you meet them for your preoperative appointment, they will also instruct you on how to best avoid them.